coming off spring break, i decided i want to make the most of my sophomore year as i can. i already spent a year doing absolutely nothing with my social life, and expecting to absolutely hate existence the second i walk through the school doors isn't exactly a winning mentality.

earlier today i felt like just sitting next to someone and trying to make a friend, i guess. and thank GOD i spotted this girl sitting alone cus my social anxiety is like horrendous, and this seems like a good way to transition into talking to more people maybe??? it turned out to be one of my classmates -- the one from my geometry class actually. y'know, shaggy? you can tell from a glance that she isn't the most... popular kid in school- listen!! okay, i don't wanna sound mean but it's something we have in common, right? so it can't be a dig!

anyway, i went up to her and just told her my name and, well, i already knew hers cus of that whole thing in class, although i think beverly is actually a really cute name~ though she didn't seem too amused by my uh... presence so far. all she really did was either stare at her uneaten food or stare straight through my soul as if she was like, witnessing the grim reaper literally taking form one seat behind me.

so for the time being i left it at a lukewarm introduction, and kinda awkwardly ate my lunch in silence next to her. but i hope i get the chance to talk to her again soon! despite what i mentioned earlier, she doesn't seem that annoyed to be eating with me.