october 3, 2002
everything is bad
bev hasn't spoken to me in weeks and now ive started missing her in class. like all of my classes... im starting to get really really worried. she doesnt return my calls. she doesnt message me. i cant spot her on any of the usual forums. its driving me NUTS.
so anyway im sorry about the complete and utter lack of posts lately... ive just been kind of... reeling from this experience. i know its already been a month but that fight took everything out of me. and the week suspension only served to give me MORE time for my feelings to swallow me whole... i mean dont want to get all sappy but, i feel like the longer ive stayed silent the more and more distant ive become from bev. its beginning to be all i can think about. nothing makees me as happy as her being present in the room withe me. and for the past couple weeks its been radio silence. nothing. not a peep. i have to do sometthing soon.
i havee to do something soon