july 11, 2002
back to normal
how long has it been? a week? well it's felt like a month! annoying july 4th festivities aside, me and bev have finally gotten back into the groove of our usual mischief, heheheheh...
i talk to bev a lot about like, types of trees and bugs, or rather, bev just starts talking to me a lot about that stuff unprompted... not that i don't find it interesting!!! i actually... find it pretty charming~ apparently, there's a species of moth that's not supposed to be here? or like, they're specifically very bad for like all the plants in the area. which really sucks!! mainly because of the killing plants part but also because like... the moths are so cute!!!! and it's really sad that it's basically procedure for them be wiped out :<
but bev says it's okay. it's just kind of the way nature flows (at least that's how she worded it). i think it's nerdy as hell but, genuinely a little profound. for someone as seemingly closed-off as her, she has a really nuanced understanding of the physical world around us...