today (or i guess yesterday, as i'm writing this at 12AM on a saturday) bev told me something i haven't been able to stop thinking about. i was watching bev play banjo kazooie, and for some reason the topic of identity came up... i'm pretty sure it was like, for her entire life up to this point, bev had no idea that the bird is a chick. which, honestly, i can relate to ;^;

anyway, i asked bev what she thinks i would be if i was an animal, and of course she said a bunny -- no surprise there. i said that she would probably just be a dog. or a coyote! she seemed to like the coyote idea so, we went with that lol.

then uhm... she described to me how she feels like... well, like her appearance has never really allowed her to express herself the way that she's expressed herself to me over the past few months. and... i guess that really resonated with me. like really, really resonated with me. i wonder how different the world would be if bev was a boy... probably not very much!! she's the most boyish girl i've ever met. and i like that. a lot. it's cool.