omg i've been having the best lunches in a WHILE with this girl. thank you bev lol. and i'm SOOOO happy right now. like, listen... i didn't even ask her today. SHE asked MEE!!!

so she finally felt comfortable enough to walk home with me, since she also lives down the same direction as my house. we already both walked the way every afternoon, i guess we just did it as early as possible to avoid everyone else... lol. we kinda think the same huh!

today we saw these ducks by the river bank a few feet from the sidewalk and gave them what was left of bev's lunch... which was literally her entire sandwich. well, more so just the bread part, but like, that girl has got to learn to eat more!! like i swear i've never seen bev bite into her food MAYBE once. seriously, it worries me :<

but at least the ducks seemed to like it. they're so adorable when they eat it too!!! and nicer than i previously thought. don't knock it 'til you try it i guess? although, you should definitely be prepared for them to start following you on the way home... quack!!