bev took me to one of her favorite spots today! it's this really pretty lookout, up on a cliffside, about a 20 minute bike from our school (which sounds kinda bad, but it's worth it i swear!)

funnily enough, it's just behind this church my mom used to drag me to every sunday when i was little. god, and to think it had this just a couple steps away the whole time... i can barely put it into words, like it really is that pretty. and quiet!!! but especially during a sunset... like... JESUSS. i can't believe i'd never gone until today.

as a matter of fact, bev's been the sole reason for half of the stuff i've discovered around the area over the past couple months. she really knows her way around here, surprisingly. like, not kidding, i almost got lost and had a breakdown trying to follow her through the woods last friday. maybe fiddling with my camcorder the entire time was a short-sighted decision... or maybe it's just a sign i should go outside more...?

either way!!! beautiful lakes and tall trees aside, i still plan on taking lots more photos and videos of everything we find! for now, here's a pic of our (very definitely super cool) shoes. can you guess which pair belongs to who? lol