may 27, 2002
SCHOOL IS FINALLY OVER!!! ...for about three months...
god, today was kind of a mess... just like it was last year. honestly the whole year was a mess... just like last year.
you know what i really don't understand? why the HELL would anyone want to sit at a damn school spirit rally for like 4 HOURSS straight, in a grody old gym, for their final day??? like, when it's SOO CLOSEE!! FREEDOM!! RIGHT THERE!!! "so... we're gonna make you sit here until your butt has fused with the bleachers." SERIOUSLY??? like, what the hell are we even there to watch?? teachers... playing basketball... against kids that i literally don't even remember seeing pass me ONCE in the hallway this entire year... DUDE WHO IS WATCHING THAT?!! not me. just give me my yearbook, and let me leave.
...nonetheless, it really makes you appreciate the sweet release of summer just a little bit more. i'm not gonna lie, i'm probably like one of three people in the entire school that actually cares, but still. and i really can't wait to be senior. they literally left like two weeks ago, unannounced and unbothered (apart from a graduation ceremony, i guess). lucky! just two more years of high school, i can do that.
now it's time to figure out what the hell i'm going to do this summer. hopefully bev is free to hangout... and has some idea for actual plans other than sitting and staring at all the posters on my wall for an hour straight, haha.